Short biography

Image of the artist

Melissa Graham at work in the garden studio (George Graham at wheel)

Working with ...

Potfest in the Pens – Melton Mowbray
3rd, 4th and 5th November 2023


jev ceramics

John Evans >>

Henfield Artisan Market (2nd Sunday each month)

Parham House- Sussex Day 16th June 2023



East Preston Festival




I have always been attracted to pots which have the robust, friendly feeling I remember from some pots in the 1970s.  


Ever since childhood I had longed to ‘have a go’ on the potter’s wheel, I think because of seeing it on television at an early age.  However, I did not take steps to pursue this longing until 2018 when an illness gave me time to reflect on my priorities


I took a weekend throwing course at West Dean College of Arts and Conservation and, after a few weeks of reflection, I felt I had to find a way to pursue my interest. I was extremely fortunate to make contact with local potter John Evans and receive tutoring and mentoring from him.  John is well known for his beautiful, decorative raku work and also runs internationally popular workshops here in Worthing. 

In 2019 I attended a week-long workshop on preparing natural glazes with Miranda Forrest.  Miranda is an established artist based in the Outer Hebrides.  Inspired by this course, I like to use natural materials as part of the decoration process in much of my work.

Over the past 3 years my pottery journey has become a deepening passion.  It still usually has to take a back seat to my day job (I am a Biomedical Scientist working in the NHS) but is an ever more absorbing pre-occupation which enlivens pretty much all my spare time with interest and enquiry.

Handmade pots are an endless source of fascination- there are so many links to the past, so many skills hard-won by incredibly dedicated people and, most fascinatingly of all, every single artist or craftsperson who touches clay will produce something unique and different.